Loved this. I wonder if there will be a changing view on game length as video game fans get older and build their collections. I remember “enjoyable rental” being the euphemism that caps a review score around 7 or 8, but when you’re talking about replaying a game from years ago, I’m much more interested in a 5-10 hour game than a 20-40 hour one.

I liked this one at the time and still do, but you’re right - it doesn’t fully live up to what a Treasure Wario game could be.

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This was the only Wario platformer I played growing up, and I always thought it was a lot of fun. After playing some of the Wario Land games, I agree that this game isn't as good as those are, but it's still a great game in my opinion.

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It was my first Wario platformer, too, since I didn't get into Wario Land until much later on, after Shake It. Maybe that's why I have a bit of a soft spot for it, but I'm with you, it's still a lot of fun even if it's not as good as II/3/4.

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